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When A Deceased’s Assets Go Missing: What Can Be Done?

When a deceased’s assets go missing: what can be done?

The executor of an estate has several responsibilities. These include accounting for all assets, debts, and funds entering or leaving the estate. When the executor is ready to distribute the estate to the beneficiaries, they are required under BC’s Trustee Act to provide a comprehensive account of everything that went into and out of the estate during administration. This account information must include:

  1. What the original estate was;
  2. All the assets received by the estate; and
  3. All the assets remaining to be distributed.

Beneficiaries are entitled to this information and have a legal right to request this information at any time during the estate administration process.

Assets Missing from the Estate

If an executor cannot account for an asset, they can, in some cases, be ordered to pay for this out-of-pocket.

An estate inheritance can sometimes significantly change a beneficiary’s life. It can be very stressful when the executor isn’t managing the estate as expected. Unfortunately, some executors have attempted fraud or theft by taking parts of the estate and not accounting for them. In other cases, estate assets simply go missing because of the executor’s inattention to detail or carelessness. Beneficiaries should proceed cautiously when agreeing to the accounting details, ensuring all assets are properly accounted for. While they might feel powerless during the estate administration, beneficiaries do have rights to protect their interests. If a beneficiary is suspicious of the accounts or believes an asset is missing, they should take action. They can ask the executor to prove the accounts are correct in court.

Passing of Accounts – Proving the Account’s Accuracy

When a beneficiary disagrees with the accounts provided by the executor, they can formally challenge them. This process is called a passing of accounts. A passing of accounts is a court hearing where the courts review the account to determine if the challenge is reasonable or not. The courts will consider a broad range of detailed evidence to determine if anything “went missing” or was miscalculated. In most cases, the courts will need to review the entire account and all the transactions involved. If the executor was not diligent with their record keeping throughout the estate administration process making sure to track all assets and transactions, it can be difficult to prove the account is accurate.

As described in the case of the Estate of Fannie Cleverley (2000), the purpose of the passing of accounts is to “determine whether the executor has exercised his duties under the will properly and in accordance with the law.”

Tracing the Missing Asset

In some cases, claimants have been able to prove that an estate asset has gone missing even though the executor is not in possession of that asset. The asset must then be traced in order to recover it from whoever possesses it. The person who is in possession of the missing asset will be ordered to return the asset to the estate where it will then be distributed as detailed in the will.

Reminders for Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries do not have a lot of control over the estate administration process, however, there are options available to them to ensure that the process is done correctly. If you’re a beneficiary who is suspicious that the executor may have stolen an asset from the estate, contact an experienced estate lawyer today. We can ensure that the estate is administered appropriately and the beneficiaries are given their fair share of the estate.

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